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After graduating from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Commerce, Vic became vice-president of a family run sawmill in Vancouver that employed 200 people.

Vic Noble

In 1988 the sawmill was sold and he then became the chief pilot and operations manager of a helicopter charter operation, which he ran until the later 1990’s, after which he devoted full time to trading.

Up until the early fall of 2005 he was employed by a large futures brokerage house in Vancouver, and has since left that job to concentrate exclusively on trading foreign exchange for his own account, and most importantly to help others find success in trading.

Vic has always maintained a passion for trading and as a result of his years in the brokerage business was able to gain unique insights into the habits of both successful and unsuccessful traders. It was the unsuccessful traders that really challenged Vic to want to make a difference, and so to that end he has now embarked upon a strategic relationship with Forexmentor.com with the sole purpose of helping people develop successful trading habits.

Comments from Vic

Vic Noble Forex Coach

"In the above picture you see me standing beside an aircraft that I was lucky enough to fly, a Sikorsky S76 helicopter. You may not realize it but there are some very definite similarities between trading and piloting an aircraft. Specifically, just as you must go through a pre-flight checklist for flying, you need to have a check list for trading before you ever leave the ground (make a trade), and you must know your destination (exit point) as well as how to handle emergency procedures (a stop loss). And then there’s the actual “in-flight” information that is crucial—trade management. Chances are that if you keep crashing and burning then your checklist is flawed (or non-existent). And you should definitely not be piloting an aircraft!

I have found that there is a tremendous consistency in both winning and losing traders in how they handle their checklists! If you are confused about your checklist or, worse yet, you don’t really even have one, then maybe you should consider participating in our personal mentoring session program.

The Forexmentor team that Peter Bain has assembled is extremely impressive, and I am very honored to be a part of it. Having met the entire team I can tell you that you have become involved with an extremely hard working, honest and dedicated team that works very hard to help traders achieve success. We are all very fortunate to have someone like Peter who is so totally passionate about seeing people reach their trading goals."

Vic operates the twice-weekly live training and follow-up service called the Coach's Corner and the Recurring Forex Pattern Daily Review service. » Read more about Vic Noble.


"Hi Vic, Let me say that being part of CC is wonderful and being a part of something that is special to me was and is because of the people at CC like yourself and everyone else at Forexmentor! Thank you for that! God's blessing to you and your family. P.S. Thank you and the CC family for being so friendly and such a rich resource! " -Kyle Rickman

"Hi Vic, Just a note, love the pre market analysis videos. Just so good for me. Really. Thanks," - Andrew

"Hello Darko. Your PMA videos are great since you patiently demonstrate all the analysis you go through per your foundation teachings, in a concise session. If one needs more details on those analysis steps, one can always go to CC Archive or Resources section on website. Thank you." -Sayeed

"Dear Vic and Darko, The PMA is INSANE!! This is like having the opportunity to sit next to a professional, profitable trader and see what he does every day and how he analyses the market. Darko please continue to be a “broken record”. It is music to my ears!! I am absolutely loving this way of coaching. Thank you so much guys, words cannot express my gratitude at your high quality, professional and dedicated fx education and coaching that you provide I am eternally grateful. Yours truly," -G. McGregor, Wellington, New Zealand

"Vic: You guys are providing amazing value not only for the time and dedication you put in every week, but also providing a sense of trust since as a customer I feel you are committed for the long haul and can always be contacted for support. Thanks, Sayeed" -Sayeed

"Hi Darko, Dwight here from Corfu. I just wanna say thank you for your incredible enthusiasm and for your videos today. It is so much better this way when we see it all in advance and not hind sight. Have a smashing day and hope you ate the pips....:) Cheers" -Dwight

"Hi Vic & Darko, Hope you are both well. I would just like to thank you both for all the work that goes into these invaluable CC sessions and the Darko PMA is absolutely brilliant and totally appreciated. It reinforces what is being taught. Also Vic thanks for the email regarding the CC sessions that will be on Mondays only after January I think this is a good idea now we have the PMA videos. Many thanks to you both and hope to be back in the live sessions soon as possible. Regards" - Tony Standering

"Darko and Vic, the PMA is brilliant! Darko your consistency on mindset is so valuable to me! I am finding myself picking up on the attitude of trading as the primary focus. As an example, in this morning’s recording, you verified my suspicion that there was no trade on the EURUSD (right now the pair I watch). Until I heard you say it Darko, I was quite insecure with my analysis. Your proof of not forcing or trying to make a trade, just because price hit a level of S/R, reinforces my mindset. The consistent reminder of Trading only when I see a pattern set up is a great step forward for me and calms my nerves! Also, sitting on my hands, well, the bottom line is it will save my account! I truly appreciate you both and your dedication to the CC! See you soon!" -Jody

"Hi Vic, I am loving the new direction, since Oct. 9 of the CC! Wow, what a great idea partnering up with the Darkinator, my nickname for this awesome, over the top inspired trader!!! His enthusiasm and objectivity and clarity coupled with your continued steadfast pattern approach is...well, I lack the words to describe my overall happiness with this unfolding. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!! Thanks so very, very much. " -Kathy

"Vic, I wanted to send you an email commending you and Darko on the quality and relevance of the CC at the present time. My journey is not too dissimilar to many novices traders. I thought I was going to make a MILLION $$$'s in a few months after attending a weekend FX education course back in 2008. Three lost accounts later and after trading every available set up (for two weeks at a time) I decided to get serious about it a few years back. I have built and built my understanding and after 10,000 hours in front of the Charts I am in a good place and I am now trading full-time as a living. And yet despite this I am still devoting a few hours every day to education and mind development. This process is never ending. The market structure Darko is providing; coupled with higher time-frame S&R and then pattern trading in alignment with these two facets is simply outstanding. The best in the market in my humble view. I hope and trust that Darko is a CC coach for many moons to come and I am gaining wonderful insight from him and I would be pleased if you would pass this email to him. For $100.00 a month for this service it is the best educational resource in the FX market by far! Best Regards" -Rob Moffitt

"Hi Vic! I just want to give praise to your new PMA service. Anyone who wants to learn the art of trading will benefit greatly from Darko’s PMA. If you are tired of listening to strategy propaganda based solely on past performance, this is the stuff. To be able to watch Darko spotting, planning and executing trades in a live situation is invaluable. And to watch Darko spotting his entry levels with surgical precision is nothing short of amazing. Keep up the good work Dr. Darko!" -John Westberg

» See Other Popular Forex Courses and Services from Vic Noble...

In the "Advanced Forex Patterns" new traders learn to trade powerful recurring Forex patterns that are 100% objective. more »

In the "London Open Forex Trade Strategy" stategy is a 100% objective, time and pair specific strategy for all Forex traders more »

In the "VicTrade" stategy coures, Vic Noble shows you the only setup you need to achieve consistent success in the Forex markets! more »
