Dear Trader,
Having personally coached thousands of traders over the past few years in trading the forex markets, I witnessed habits of both the successful and the unsuccessful traders from up close. It is crystal clear to me that the differences between the two groups does NOT come down to market knowledge, or technical or analytical skills. Almost everyone I’ve ever worked with is quite capable of learning technical tools, and basic fundamental analysis.
Learning more technical tools or diving deeper into the fundamentals or forever buying shiny new trading systems will almost NEVER produce better results. I’ve seen great analysts lose their entire accounts (more than once), and I’ve seen people with very simple approaches go on to trade for a living, without having nearly the analytical skills of the former group.
At Forexmentor, we teach the same methods and techniques to everyone, so why do some traders survive and others don't? Here is the differentiating factor:
Successful traders are acutely aware of the killer mistakes that will sabotage their trading results. They know how to effectively deal with them on a daily basis. It’s part of what they do. On the contrary, this is not part of what the losing group does.
I’ve seen this behavior over and over. The winners think differently, and their attitude is different!
The good news is that it can be changed! You can control every single one of these mistakes! Can you imagine the impact this would have on your trading results? What I’ve put together is NOT another trading system. Rather, it’s the “brain” stuff, the correct thinking that is absolutely critical. To put it bluntly, if you are constantly making these mistakes, and you continue to do so, you will not make it in the trading business.
So why a course on mistakes?
Very simply, this course is designed for anyone who is still struggling to get their trading results off the ground. It doesn't matter where you're at now. What matters is, where are you going to go from here? If you're not successful yet, then something has to change in you in order to change what you are now getting. Make sense?
In the course you will learn to think the way the winners think, and how to avoid the mistakes that the unsuccessful traders continually make. Here's just a small sampling of the kinds of topics that will be covered in detail:
1. Flawed Expectations! What exactly do you expect from trading? What have you heard that shapes your beliefs? Are they realistic, or do you even know? How can you get a better handle on what to expect so that you are more aligned with the reality of your particular situation? You will here an interview with a top trader, telling you what he went through before really making it!
2. Lack of a Consistent Approach! Boy is this a biggie! Can you honestly look in the mirror and say that you have a solid, consistent approach that you use? Or do you have a habit of latching on to the latest, greatest system that comes along? What the heck do you have to do to get off that train? You'll hear 3 separate interviews on this one from traders who have really figured this out and ridded themselves of this terrible habit.
3. Over-Complication! Are you to the point that you are just plain old confused? Nothing seems to make sense anymore? Trading should be simple, and not an overwhelming process! We'll talk about what to do for this problem and you'll hear from 3 people how simplifying made a huge difference to them. I meet with a lot of skepticism from traders when I show them how little they actually need on their screens.
These are just a few samplings to give you an idea as to the kinds of content you'll be getting in this course. I will walk you through the mistakes one by one and show you how to overcome them. I will use real examples from real traders who have been able to overcome these mistakes and go on to enjoy consistent success.
For a limited time, we are offering several bonus items with the course.
As part of this package, and because it deals so much with psychological issues, I interviewed a very special guest speaker, Paul Martinelli, who shares the stage with Bob Proctor of the smash DVD hit, “The Secret”. Paul has achieved tremendous personal success, and is himself a personal success coach! The exclusive interview I conducted with him will provide you with information that, in and of itself, is worth far more than the price of admission!
As an additional bonus, we are very pleased to offer 2 complete recorded sessions of the Coach’s Corner service that I provide twice each week. The Coach’s Corner has been instrumental in helping so many traders along. In fact almost all of the top traders that I’ve worked with have spent time in the Coach’s Corner, and many are still part of the group! The recorded sessions will give you some very specific insights as to how this interactive session works, with very specific trading ideas and techniques. If you just learn one important lesson out of the many that are illustrated in these 2 hours of Coach’s Corner recordings, it can change everything for you!!
The "Top 20 Killer Trader Mistake" course is introduced by Karl, who trades for a living, and is one of the very best traders I’ve ever worked with. By the way, he’s also part of the Coach’s Corner group!
I know that this information will be more valuable to you than buying more trading systems, and we’ve priced it so that everyone can benefit from it.
To your success,

Forexmentor Team