His Very First LCT Trade – A 2:1 RR

2 years ago

On January 16th, 2023, I held a webinar where I explained the details ofhow we trade the close of the…

A Forex Trading Recipe That Anyone Can Follow

Consistently profitable forex trading. Is that something you truly andseriously want? If so, the methodology that Darko teaches is easier…

3 years ago

Forex Price Action Analysis for Swing Trading

This week's video is an absolute knock-out. Darko is now profitable by over+2000 pips on his forex swing trades for…

3 years ago

5 Forex Scalp Trades

We had 5 Forex scalping trades following our scalping webinar (March 24),all set up according to our rules. So I…

4 years ago

12 Forex Scalp Trades From The Past 3 Days

In this video, I'm going to show you 12 forex scalp trades from just thepast 3 days. Why are there…

4 years ago

Are Monthly Forex Charts Helpful for Day Trading?

YES, are they ever! Monthly Forex charts provide extremely valuableinformation for day traders...IF you know how to read them properly.…

5 years ago

See Darko’s Best Day/Week This Year…

Let me ask you a question: How many forex trading coaches put themselves and their reputation on the line, every…

5 years ago

Forex Trading Strategy & Discipline

Great forex trading strategies alone, whether it's forex swing trading,forex day trading or whatever -- are not enough to become…

5 years ago

Long Term Forex Trading

We've been making the shift to a longer-term trading approach, and in thisweek's video, I'm going to show you some…

5 years ago


Why do we trade the Advanced Candle Action Trading (ACAT) approach almost exclusively now, rather than patterns? Is there something…

6 years ago