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Monthly Subscription Plan

$149 first month, $99/month thereafter


Special 6-Month Prepay Plan

$499 for 6 months (save 17%)

Terms of Service: Trade Recap videos are provided when a trade is taken during the previous 24 hour period. Hot Picks: On a schedule of at least once per week (and more often on a discretionary basis), Frank will provide a screen capture and analysis of one or more pairs that appears to represent a strong candidate for trend trading purposes. We strive to keep interruptions to this schedule to a reasonable minimum; however, any vacation or statutory holiday time taken by the presenter will not be credited back to member accounts in lieu of service at any such times. We will notify our members no less than two calendar weeks in advance of any temporary service disruptions anticipated to last one week or longer.

Risk Disclosure: Trading the Forex market is fraught with considerable and ever-resent risk. If you don’t know what you’re doing (and even if you do), you could easily lose the full value of all funds on deposit in your trading account. Our methods, in particular, are predicated on a certain reliance on automated tools and resources which could malfunction at any time, causing erroneous signals which could lead to invalid trading decisions. In making use of our trading methods, systems, rules, procedures and guidelines, you must be prepared to accept the fact that application of them may not generate any profit, and in fact they may generate considerable loss. YOU SHOULD NEVER INVEST FUNDS IN A FOREX TRADING ACCOUNT YOU COULD NOT AFFORD TO LOSE ENTIRELY WITHOUT STRESS OR HARDSHIP. You must use our resources not as a substitute for your own trade decision making, but rather as a supplement. YOU SHOULD TRIAL THESE METHODS IN A DEMO ACCOUNT FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE MONTHS TO DETERMINE IF THEY ARE VIABLE. In the case of loss of any scale or degree, you shall keep Currex Investment Services Inc. (d.b.a. “Forexmentor”) and all of its directors, employees, contractors, beneficiaries and assigns safe from prosecution in any form. We do not, and cannot guarantee any level or degree of success by applying the methods herein described.